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What is Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease makes people sick when they eat gluten -  things like bread, pasta, crackers and cake. These foods have gluten, which is a tiny protein in wheat, barley and rye. If someone has celiac disease, gluten hurts their body, making it harder for them to get the vitamins and nutrients needed to grow strong and healthy. Celiac disease is not a food allergy. It is actually a genetic autoimmune disease, meaning that it runs in families.

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Two of our children, Lia and Ryan, have celiac disease and are doing pretty well as long as they do not consume a morsel of gluten. This is NOT easy! Our family and some Cognizant employees want to raise awareness and funds to make living with celiac easier and hopefully find a cure!

Please support Beyond Celiac research by funding our Virtual walk.


Beyond Celiac is one of the best resources for all your questions and information. 


Currently, the gluten-free diet is the only treatment for celiac disease. However, researchers are working hard to find alternative therapies and possibly even a cure. For up to date information on the latest research click here

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